The abstract of critical discourse analysis of radicalism labeling by BNPT to Islamic site



BNPT, Islamic Site, Social Media, Critical Discourse, Radicalism Labeling


The development of radicalism issues is begun by a radical group movement and its spread in social media is labeled as a radical element by, The Agency of National Counter Terrorism (BNPT). This research issues radicalism through the language because there is an element of the radical language becoming criteria of radical in social media. Pursuant to factual logical data, views from readers, this research aims at; 1) describing the criteria of the language use labelled radical by BNPT in Islamic pages; 2) investigating the ideology of radicalism views in Islamic pages; 3) describing how BNPT views Islamic pages; 4) finding the relevant result toward the discourse analysis learning in universities. The approach used in this study is the Critical Discourse Study approach belonging to descriptive qualitative. This study is based on the theory of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) as the main theories and supported by the use of Social Semiotic Theory proposed by Halliday to analyze criteria of radical language.


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How to Cite

Kholid, .-. (2018). The abstract of critical discourse analysis of radicalism labeling by BNPT to Islamic site. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 4(4), 112–126.



Research Articles