An exploratory study of cohesive features in selected excerpts from Sefi Atta’s news from home


  • Innocent Sourou Koutchadé English Department, University of Abomey-Calavi, Republic of Bénin


Texture, Cohesion, Reference, Conjunctions, Linguistic Analysis


This article aimed at providing a linguistic analysis of Sefi Atta’s novel entitled News from Home through the linguistic approach of cohesion drawn from Systemic Functional Linguistics. Two extracts were selected randomly from the novel and a descriptive mixed method of analysis was adopted. Aspects of cohesion studied in the text were reference, conjunction and lexical cohesion. The analyses revealed that various types of reference such as anaphoric, cataphoric, demonstrative, exophoric, and homophoric occurred in the selected texts. Features of conjunctions were used by the writer to display the logical relationships between elements of the texts. As for lexical cohesion, patterns of reiteration and collocation were used to point out the field of the study. The paper concluded that these cohesive patterns are organized to reveal the texture of the text.


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How to Cite

Koutchadé, I. S. (2017). An exploratory study of cohesive features in selected excerpts from Sefi Atta’s news from home. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 3(6), 22–32. Retrieved from



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