Structure and culture values of sasak story: story of king kuripan and its relevation with language and literature learning


  • Saleh Herman Mataram University, Indonesia
  • Sudirman Wilian Mataram University, Indonesia
  • Ida Bagus Kadek Gunayasa Mataram University, Indonesia


Culture values, Literature learning, Sasak story, Story of king kuripan, Structure values


This study aims at describing the structure of the Sasak story "The Story of the King of Kuripan". By looking at values ??and culture, this study uses structural theory as the main theory and semiotics as an additional theory that aids the analysis of meaning. This study uses the observation method in the early stages, data collection methods, data classification methods, and data analysis methods. Data collection in this study was conducted through in-depth interviews by applying recording and defect techniques. The data were obtained from the informants to be used as a data source. The first data analysis is by looking at the structure of the Sasak story and then analyzing the values ??and culture contained in the Sasak story "The Story of the King Kuripan". The structure of the Sasak story "The Story of the King Kuripan" consists of a theme, plot, character, and message. The values ??and culture contained in the Sasak story "The Story of the King Kuripan" are; values ??and culture related to education, religiosity, customs, and history.  It assumed that all of these things can be used as a learning resource because of their relevance with learning at the level of education both elementary and junior high school and other levels of education.


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How to Cite

Herman, S., Wilian, S., & Gunayasa, I. B. K. (2018). Structure and culture values of sasak story: story of king kuripan and its relevation with language and literature learning. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 4(6), 17–27.



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