A study on the personal deixis of korbafo dialect in rote language



Deixis, Dialect, Rote Language, Korbafo Dialect


This writing is entitled: “A Study on the Personal Deixis of Korbafo Dialect in Rote Language”. Data were gained using linguistic field research method. Next, the writer used the descriptive method to analyze data. The writer only focused his research on analyzing personal deixis in korbafo dialect. Based on research made, there are three kinds of personal deixis in Korbafo dialect: comprising both singular and plural forms of the first-person deixis, second person deixis, and third person deixis. The personal deixis on singular forms comprising the speaker Au (1 Singular), the addressee/ hearer Ko (II Singular), and the non-speaker Ndia (III Singular). The personal deixis on plural forms comprising; Ita (I Plural Incl), Ami (I Plural Excl), Kemi (II Plural), Sila (III Plural).


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How to Cite

Latupeirissa, D. S. (2016). A study on the personal deixis of korbafo dialect in rote language. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2(1), 8–15. Retrieved from https://sloap.org/journals/index.php/ijllc/article/view/80



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