The meaning of tulembang and tupakbiring mantras in the life of makassar ethnic



Mantra, Text function, Text meaning, Text structure, Inheritance strategy


The mantra was the oldest form of literature in Indonesia as an aspect of old culture which still survives and was used by traditional communities until now. Makassar traditional societies use mantra according to their needs. Mantra for planting rice or mantra for cultivation is called Tulembang, while mantra for fishing was called Tupakbiring. The mantra was in the form of expressions or words and could bring magic power. The power aims to provide strength for human in performing various activities. The forms could be praises for something to be considered as sacred such as gods, spirits, animals, or God usually uttered by sanro (shaman) and pinati (diviner).The meaning of mantra text contains recognition, hope, the sanctity of self and heart, serenity, and inner satisfaction. The inheritance strategies were vertical and horizontal.


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How to Cite

Badaruddin, M. S. (2016). The meaning of tulembang and tupakbiring mantras in the life of makassar ethnic. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2(2), 1–15. Retrieved from



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