The existence of M?y?danawa story in Bali



holy, Māyādanawa, myth, religious, story


The research was intended to explore the existence of M?y?danawa story in Bali. A researcher is a key instrument in qualitative research, in addition to the researcher doing more research in the field. The primary data source of this study is the speech data, the instruments used in the study include (1) recording aids in the form of a recording tape to document M?y?danawa storytelling from informants; (2) oral data notes to anticipate loss or obscurity of data from the results of the recording; (3) cameras to document religious aspects related to the M?y?danawa story, unlike, the palinggih relics in the Tirta Empul Tampaksiring temple, the M?y?danawa tunnel/cave and the ritual activities at the holy sites and other related activities. Before conducting data collection, the researcher established good relations with the local community. Data collection was obtained using the methods of participatory observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. Data collection can be done by naturalistic observation and in-depth interviews or open-ended (or ethnographic in-depth interviews).


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How to Cite

Wiradnyana, I. M. (2020). The existence of M?y?danawa story in Bali. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 6(1), 62–69.



Research Articles