Deixis variations of place in balinese language

Dialectology studies


  • Ni Made Suryati Balinese Literature Studies Program, Udayana University-Indonesia
  • I Ketut Jirnaya Old Javanese Studies Program, Faculty of Letters and Cultures, Udayana University-Indonesia


Place, Deixis, Variety, Category, Social stratification


Balinese Languages geographically had varieties and social stratification. This study was intended to examine one aspect of social stratification varieties of Balinese Language i.e. deixis that refers to pragmatic studies. As well as, in order to describe deixis forms of place, deixis of place categories, variations and its use in the Balinese Language. The theory that was used in this research was dialectology and pragmatics theories, especially, it was deixis. The data were cited by observation method; note taking, therefore, it was analyzed to be presented within the informal method of deductive and inductive procedure. The results of the study were to show that deixis forms of the place of Balinese Language found a basic form, its form was derived by affixation and phrase forms of Balinese Language were able to be categorized including; verb, adjective, demonstrative pronoun, an adverb of place. Social stratification on deixis varieties of the place was obtained twenty towards its own varieties. Those are asi, aso, ami, ama, mider, and andap/kapara, they had their own function with reference to the pronoun.


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How to Cite

Suryati, N. M., & Jirnaya, I. K. (2016). Deixis variations of place in balinese language: Dialectology studies. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2(2), 16–26. Retrieved from



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