Evaluative culture in teachers and its influence on student’s learning




evaluation culture, evaluation process, formative evaluation, learning assessment, teaching-learning


This research work includes an analysis of the poor culture of evaluation processes in teachers. In the face of this problem, it is necessary for teachers to innovate their evaluation mechanisms, which allow them to improve their professional performance and therefore academic performance of the students, applying effective and suitable tools in their pedagogical practices and implementing a comprehensive evaluation, capable of satisfying the needs of their students, leading them towards a quality education. The culture of process evaluation in teachers its influence on the learning of students in the Trajan Centeno Educational Unit of the city of Chone, in the level of Basic Education. For its development, a data collection instrument was applied to 12 teachers, the exploratory and analytical method was used, which allowed analyzing the knowledge that teachers have regarding the evaluation of their pedagogical processes in the classroom and the impact that themselves in student learning. Concepts such as formative evaluation, learning evaluation, type of evaluation have analyzed, among the conclusions it has emphasized that the evaluation culture is an important factor in the teaching-learning processes so that the teacher carries out a fair, equitable and effective evaluation.


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How to Cite

Cedeño, T. G. A., Quiñonez, J. E. G., Morales, L. L. M., & Delgado, M. F. Z. (2020). Evaluative culture in teachers and its influence on student’s learning. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 6(2), 19–27. https://doi.org/10.21744/ijllc.v6n2.865



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