Lexical representations of prototypes of semantic primitives in balinese tradition and their meaning configuration in english


  • I Made Netra Faculty of Letters and Cultures – Udayana University, Bukit Jimbaran Campus, Indonesia


Prototype, Configuration, Representation, Cultural Scripts, Semantic Primitives


Variation of Balinese lexicons, in particular to the field of tradition, needs documenting thoroughly. It can be done through mapping, explicating, and configuring the meaning of lexical representation of prototypes of semantic primitives based upon the theory of Natural Semantic Metalanguage (Wierzbicka, 1996) with its Cultural Scripts model (Goddard, 2002). Data was collected by a participative observation method of which the technique was in form of focus group discussion (Bungin, 2001: 57; Moleong, 2000). A deep interview was then applied in order to collect further information on the use of lexicons. Data was then comprehensively analyzed by a padan method by which relevant theories were employed and an agih method of the language itself (Sudaryanto, 2003). The result of analysis showed that (1) There are 16 prototypes of semantic primitives of which Balinese lexical representations vary and fall into three different categories, namely impolite, neutral, and polite; (2) meaning explication and configuration of each lexical representation can be done with explanation of components of entity, process, manner, instruments, result, time, and cognitive aspects using low-level scripts model with if-when condition in specific Balinese culture.


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How to Cite

Netra, I. M. (2016). Lexical representations of prototypes of semantic primitives in balinese tradition and their meaning configuration in english. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2(2), 38–49. Retrieved from https://sloap.org/journals/index.php/ijllc/article/view/88



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