The representation of janger gotra i mecaling dance of klungkung regency towards bali arts festival XXXVII in 2015


  • I Wayan Subrata Faculty of Religious Science and Culture in University of Hindu Indonesia (UNHI) Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia


Art, Dance, Culture, Representation, Bali Arts Festival, Janger Gotra I Mecaling


Janger dance was a type of social dance that was done by muda-mudi (young people) who did while singing blared rejoice. Unlike one of the cultural heritage, Janger dance consist of cultural values that can be imparted to the next generation as the improvement character therefore, they had a foundation and a high identity. The entry of globalization through a tourism networking and modern technology brought a great influence to tradition; the local culture of Balinese traditional seems narrow movement. However, the issue could be minimized by giving the traditional of art and culture for performing to each regencies in Bali at the Bali Arts Festival that was initiated by the Government of Bali Province. The good opportunities utilized by the Government of Klungkung allowed young artists creativity, innovative; compete with sportively in realizing an art production. Through the art could express and represent a performance i.e. Janger Gotra I Mecaling dance Klungkung regency in 2015 Bali Arts Festival XXXVII. Unlike a new culture production, Janger dance performances coupled with the dance that told the story of Gotra I Mecaling. The audience could be amazed on who had come for watching, through the new artists design in arts performing was expected to compete without leaving their authenticity, and could be a tourist attraction, in order to remember that Bali was a tourist destination.


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How to Cite

Subrata, I. W. (2016). The representation of janger gotra i mecaling dance of klungkung regency towards bali arts festival XXXVII in 2015. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2(2), 71–78. Retrieved from



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