The ability to speak Indonesian through the seminar method



education, seminar method, seminar, society, speaking Indonesian


In Indonesian lessons, 4 areas must be studied including listening, speaking, writing, and reading. In social terms, people need speaking skills, especially speaking skills in Indonesian well. Speaking Indonesian correctly is not only needed in social society but also needed in the world of work after graduating in the world of education. The objectives of this study are (1) to find out how the Indonesian language skills of grade VIIIA students of SMP Dharma Praja Denpasar in applying the seminar method (2) to find out what mistakes occur when speaking Indonesian at Dharma Praja Middle School for the implementation of the seminar. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that the results of speaking of eighth-grade students of SMP Dharma Praja through the seminar method on the assessment that 95% of students can achieve grades even exceeding the KKM value of 76. Especially in the section of diction and grammar, the value of students is 100, 72 students who got a value of 100, namely 27 people who are included in the predicate very good, students who get a value of 72, namely 3 people who are included in the predicate enough.


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How to Cite

Juniardianta, I. N. (2020). The ability to speak Indonesian through the seminar method. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 6(5), 31–40.



Research Articles