Software trends in improving local tourism product marketing in Indonesia: a systematic review



digital trend, marketing method, qualitative review studies, tourism promotion


Software is believed to be increasingly the prima donna of today's computerized era. This is because the world is getting easier to reach with digital assistance, which is becoming more and more trendy. Tech is lagging in travel business activities. Many tourism business people are now increasingly interested in conducting their tour promos online to quickly increase local tourism products' marketing to the international market. So to ensure correctness, we have undertaken a practical study with literature reviews and travel publications. We prioritize the latest literature between 2015 and 2021, considering that the digital world is changing rapidly. To get valid and convincing results, we choose a coding analysis system, in-depth evaluation so that the conclusions we get an answer to this study's problems. Because this study relies on current data from searches from Google doc data, ERIC publications, Google scholarships, and other data sources is the main source. With the consideration of the existing literature, we conclude that now tourism actors in many countries are increasingly using digital applications in marketing tourism products in the world market share. Hopefully, this finding will provide meaningful input for all parties engaged in the tourism sector.


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How to Cite

Purnomo, H. (2021). Software trends in improving local tourism product marketing in Indonesia: a systematic review. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 4(1), 77-84.