Economic impact of SMEs in the desert of Arica-Chile: an early evaluation of the business assistance provided by Sercotec's Arica Business Center program



agricultural business, economic growth, public policies, small enterprises, SERCOTEC


The article analyzes under a case study methodology the first economic impact results of the Small Business Development Center program in Arica, a program financed by the Technical Cooperation Service (SERCOTEC). The preliminary conclusion of the article suggests that the first economic impact results show that the 833 enterprises assisted by the program generate more sales opportunities, jobs and investments, creating positive income and fiscal returns, despite the enormous difficulties presented by the current pandemic facing the country and especially the region. From a public policy standpoint, the CDN's contribution to the regional economy helps create new employment opportunities in growing MSMEs. For their part, maturing companies contribute to job retention thanks to the advisory processes that help reorient their businesses, and the work with entrepreneurs contributes to the generation of new businesses that strengthen the regional economy.


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How to Cite

Barra Novoa, R. (2021). Economic impact of SMEs in the desert of Arica-Chile: an early evaluation of the business assistance provided by Sercotec’s Arica Business Center program. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 4(1), 135-148.