Hospital E-prescribing implementation in reducing medication error


  • I Putu Artawan Universitas Pendidikan Nasional, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • Ida Ayu Oka Martini Universitas Pendidikan Nasional, Denpasar, Indonesia


documentation, e-prescribing, hospital, medication error, prescription


The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze hospital e-prescribing implementation in reducing medication errors. The hospital information system was an information system that was used for hospitals wherein this information system allows data flow from a hospital can be done electronically. The service to patients can be done more quickly, accurately, and transparently which in the end could provide satisfaction to patients. Medication errors often occurred in hospitals. One of the causes was prescription errors or prescribing errors. The wrong medical decision had an impact on the safety and quality of the patient’s health. Therefore, the efforts were needed to prevent and reduce errors by e-prescribing. This study used a qualitative approach in which the research conducted was descriptive. That was how the implementation of e-prescribing in RSUP Sanglah Denpasar in reducing medication error. The research results obtained from interviews, observations, and documentation were the implementation of e-prescribing in Sanglah Hospital going well by involving interviews with management, IT, pharmacists, doctors, and nurses. However, the obstacle faced was the internet network was sometimes not strong and the number of devices a computer was lacking. It can interfere with the process of drug service.


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How to Cite

Artawan, I. P., & Martini, I. A. O. (2020). Hospital E-prescribing implementation in reducing medication error. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 3(1), 67-76.