Influence of sipinsur ecotourism area business opportunity on regional development in humbang hasundutan regency


  • Sarintan Efratani Damanik Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry Study Program, Simalungun University, Indonesia
  • Rozalina Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry Study Program, Simalungun University, Indonesia
  • Meylida Nurrachmania Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry Study Program, Simalungun University, Indonesia


business opportunities, ecotourism areas, regional and community development


The potential of natural resources strongly supports the development of sectors in the region and results in business opportunities, can also increase the income of the community around the ecotourism site. The research analyzed the influence of business opportunities in sipinsur ecotourism area. Research methods using simple linear regression. The results showed that business opportunities have a positive and significant effect on regional development in Humbang Hasundutan Regency. As an entrepreneur must be observant to take advantage of business opportunities so that the business built will not be wasted and it takes hard work, and the business opportunity is a business that can be done using small capital or using large capital. Empowering local communities by including them in various ecotourism activities, especially in business opportunities. Therefore, the government needs to increase the socialization of programs and the active role of the community so that the community has the means to accommodate their aspirations, and the community needs to be fostered intensively to become a community that is aware of ecotourism, namely the community that not only utilizes the results of ecotourism development but also takes responsibility in maintaining natural sustainability.


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How to Cite

Damanik, S. E., Rozalina, R., & Nurrachmania, M. (2021). Influence of sipinsur ecotourism area business opportunity on regional development in humbang hasundutan regency. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 4(1), 130-134.