Cultural management perspective of research gender mainstream success


  • Lisdiyanti Lisdiyanti Undiknas Graduate School, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • Gede Sri Darma Undiknas Graduate School, Denpasar, Indonesia


bureaucratic reform, career development, culture management, gender mainstream (PUG)


This study aims to see the success of the implementation of gender mainstreaming in the perspective of cultural management, especially in developing a career at DJKN Regional Office in Bali and Nusa Tenggara. The methodology used in this study is descriptive qualitative using a purposive sampling technique where the informants were female or male employees aged between 25-50 years with a minimum education bachelor degree and willing to be informants. Data collected will be analyzed by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The validity of the data will be tested by triangulating the data so it is expected that the data presented is valid. The result of this study indicates that in the Regional Office of DJKN Bali and Nusa Tenggara, there is no difference in access to information and opportunities for career development, but the pattern of employee rotations and culture is still an obstacle for female employees to have an interest in being promoted. Besides, in socializing gender mainstreaming itself is still hampered in terms of cost. This is because postal costs related to PUG do not yet exist in each regional office. After all, the Gender analysis pathway has not been implemented well.


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How to Cite

Lisdiyanti, L., & Darma, G. S. (2020). Cultural management perspective of research gender mainstream success. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 3(1), 101-107.