The implications of digital transformation in developing human resources in business practice in Indonesian: analysis of the publication


  • Kosasih Universitas Sangga Buana, Indonesia
  • Irma Rasita Gloria Barus College of Vocational School of IPB University, Indonesia
  • Alim Hardiansyah Institut Sains dan Teknologi Al Kamal, Indonesia


digital services, human resource improvement, review studies, technology transformation


This exploration's center target is to comprehend the ramifications of specialized data to improve HR for organizations in Indonesia. Thus, we gathered information from challenged distributions from 2010 to 2021. After the information was gathered, we investigated it with a phenomenological approach so that responses to the examination were gotten with legitimate and reliable standards. Before we can get to the discoveries of the current information, we should comprehend the inquiries; in the information examination measure, we included coding, top to bottom assessment, and summing up the information discoveries. We focus on optional information with a subjective enlightening methodology with as much direction as information from Google students, ERIC distributions, Google Docs, and different sources. Specialists join our investigation manage to check on innovation studies and applications in maternity care social examinations. In light of the information and discoveries, we presume that the associations we contemplated decided to apply and change innovation in birthing assistants to improve HR's dependence on the standards of utility, accommodation, proficiency, and profitability of the actual innovation.


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How to Cite

Kosasih, K., Barus, I. R. G., & Hardiansyah, A. (2021). The implications of digital transformation in developing human resources in business practice in Indonesian: analysis of the publication. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 4(1), 189-198.