National H.R. management policies and benefits for MSME managers in the Indonesian tourism sector in the 21st century: systematic review of international publications


  • Gunawan Widjaja Universitas Krisnadwipayana, Indonesia
  • Sukma Irdiana STIE Widya Gama Lumajang, Indonesia
  • Ikhsan Amar Jusman STIE YPUP, Makassar, Indonesia


H.R. policy, MSME activator, tourism sector, study studies


Studies on human resource management (HRM) in various small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have increased in Indonesia. This project aims to examine the policies and benefits of innovative national H.R. governance in several documents that discuss MSMEs in the country, focusing on how executives, H.R. managers, managers, and business employees support the 21st-century tourism sector. We examine all related data regarding how innovative H.R. governance is to be productive in their respective tourism support businesses. There is great hope that their SME management will later recover national economic growth depending on their creative economy. Therefore, we have collected data through electronic searches on Google Scholar-based data sources. Our study pattern starts with the coding system, sharp interpretation, evaluation, and concluding whether the results are valid and reliable or not. As a result, we find that at the policy level of the national human resource management, it is relevant to the goals of MSMEs, especially the tourism sector, even though the benefits have not been fully felt by the activists of tourism supporting MSMEs in Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Widjaja, G., Irdiana, S., & Jusman, I. A. (2021). National H.R. management policies and benefits for MSME managers in the Indonesian tourism sector in the 21st century: systematic review of international publications. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 4(2), 417-426.