The effect of export import, inflation, interest rates, and exchange rates against Indonesia's economic growth


  • Sutarjo Borobudur University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Wahyu Murti Borobudur University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Sugiyanto Saleh Borobudur University, Jakarta, Indonesia


economic growth, exchange rate, export-import, inflation, interest rate


The research aims to know (a). Effect of export and import (b). Inflation (c). Interest rate (d). Exchange rate to Indonesia's economic growth. The research method uses a quantitative approach, in explaining the relationship between the variables studied. Data collection techniques through questionnaires, interviews, tests, observations, inventories, rating scales, documentation studies. The results of the study can be concluded simultaneously, namely: (1). import export variable, (b). inflation variable, (c). interest rate variable (d). Exchange rate variables. On Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves and its implications for simultaneous economic growth. Then partially all variables have a positive and significant effect on foreign exchange reserves except for the investment variable.


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How to Cite

Sutarjo, S., Murti, W., & Saleh, S. (2021). The effect of export import, inflation, interest rates, and exchange rates against Indonesia’s economic growth. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 4(2), 449-460.