Why SMEs manager truth the digital technology in managing marketing services



  • Yuli Purbaningsih Universitas Sembilanbelas November, Indonesia
  • Adi Mursalin Universitas Panca Bhakti, Pontianak, Indonesia
  • Satriadi STIE Pembangunan Tanjungpinang, Indonesia


digital technology, research studies, SME marketing strategy


This research aims to figure out why MSME owners justify using digital technology to handle marketing services. According to research and field data suggestions, MSMEs who do not engage in the present technological arena will be left behind in the competition. To demonstrate our knowledge, we gathered a large amount of literature from various sources, including Google Books, Sagepub, Taylor & Francis, and Research Gate, all published in the past ten years. We investigate it using a high level of interpretation and data assessment based on the coding system. Before we go any further, we will test this finding to see whether s = compliance with the study's question. Our initial research was conducted during the PMKM restriction period when national policy prohibited direct encounters; our study generally excludes secondary data. The secondary data is then turned into a solution, which we create in qualitative analysis research. As a result, before the processes for managing a qualitative project, we are led by research. Based on the data and conversation, we can infer that SME managers value digital technology to develop their businesses since digital offers many advantages that help SMEs achieve their objectives.


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How to Cite

Purbaningsih, Y., Mursalin, A., & Satriadi, S. (2021). Why SMEs manager truth the digital technology in managing marketing services. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 4(3), 461-468. https://doi.org/10.31295/ijbem.v4n3.1748