The effect of efficiency, market power, debt, and risk on company performance and their impact on dividend policy on the manufacturing sector in the Indonesia stock exchange


  • Rina Mandara Harahap Faculty of Economics and Business, Tanjung Pura State Islamic University, and the Institute of Religion of the Islamic University of Pontianak, Pontianak City, West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia
  • Mustaruddin Faculty of Economics and Business Tanjung Pura University, Pontianak City, West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia
  • Rustam Faculty of Economics and Business Tanjung Pura University, Pontianak City, West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia


company performance, debt, dividend policy, efficiency, market power, prospects, risk


This study is to determine the effect of efficiency, debt, market power, prospects, and risks to company performance and their impact on dividend policy in companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The sample in this study is a manufacturing sector company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange which pays dividends continuously during the study period. Researchers use path analysis (path analysis). Path analysis is a unit of multivariate statistical analysis that combines multiple linear regression analysis and simple regression analysis simultaneously with the addition of a mediating variable (intervening) or a reinforcing variable (moderator). There is a negative and significant direct influence between the debt variables on the company's performance. There is a negative and significant direct effect between the variables of Efficiency on Company Performance. There is a direct positive and insignificant effect between the Prospect variable on the Company's Performance. There is a direct positive and insignificant effect between the variables of Risk on Performance. There is a positive and significant direct effect between the variables of the Company's Performance on the Dividend Payout Ratio in the manufacturing sector.


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How to Cite

Harahap, R. M., Mustaruddin, M., & Rustam, R. (2021). The effect of efficiency, market power, debt, and risk on company performance and their impact on dividend policy on the manufacturing sector in the Indonesia stock exchange. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 4(4), 477-486.