Sharia economy momentum to restore economic recession due to pandemic disruption in Indonesia



economic recession, islamic economics, pandemic impact, publications, sharia economy


This qualitative study aimed to review seven international publications that state the Islamic economy's potential as a momentum to restore Indonesia's economic recession due to the disruption of the pandemic crisis. From the concept and objective of the Islamic economy, namely the prosperity of the community, experts believed that the Islamic economy could overcome the impact of the national economic recession as a result of national policies to combat the spread of COVID-19. To understand the potential advantages of this Islamic economy in restoring economic recession, we collected seven international publications, which we then studied in depth with a descriptive phenomenological approach. Other literature searches through online search engines such as "international Islamic economy," "national economic recession,"; "pandemic impact and COVID-19", "economic recovery," and "capitalist and socialist economy." Based on the literature and the results of a review of the seven Islamic economics publications, the end we can conclude our findings with the level of validation and reliability of the findings; it has proven that the application of the Islamic economic system can be a golden momentum to restore Indonesia's economic recession after the effects of the application of national policies to combat the terrifying coronavirus.


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How to Cite

Ismaulina, I. (2020). Sharia economy momentum to restore economic recession due to pandemic disruption in Indonesia. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 3(1), 196-202.