Does green perceived value impact the green repurchase intention?

A perspective from the body shop Indonesia consumer


  • I Komang Mahayana Putra Bali State Polytechnic, Indonesia
  • I Wayan Wirga Bali State Polytechnic, Indonesia
  • Ida Bagus Sanjaya Bali State Polytechnic, Indonesia
  • I Ketut Pasek Bali State Polytechnic, Indonesia
  • I Wayan Sukarta Bali State Polytechnic, Indonesia


green marketing, green perceived risk, green perceived value, green repurchase intention, green trust


Global warming has become a hotly discussed issue and has caused manufacturers to implement green marketing in their business. This study aims to analyze the effect of green perceived value on green repurchase intention. The population is people who have bought and used The Body Shop Indonesia products with a sample of 100 respondents through purposive sampling. Collecting data using a questionnaire in the form of google form and analyzed by simple linear regression analysis. The results showed that green perceived value had a positive and significant effect on green repurchase intention.


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How to Cite

Putra, I. K. M., Wirga, I. W., Sanjaya, I. B., Pasek, I. K., & Sukarta, I. W. (2022). Does green perceived value impact the green repurchase intention? A perspective from the body shop Indonesia consumer. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 5(3), 176-180.