Firm characteristic determinants of Vietnamese textile and garment enterprise participation in production networks



firm characteristics, garment enterprises, global production networks (GPN), production networks, Vietnamese textile


This paper provides an empirical analysis of Vietnamese textile and garment enterprise participation in global production networks. Based on the overview of Vietnamese textile and garment industry and general information of Vietnamese textile and garment enterprises, it proposed a model and implemented an empirical investigation to identify firm characteristic determinants of Vietnamese textile and garment enterprise participation in production networks. It is the results of combination between some firm characteristic determinants of previous studies and specific features of Vietnamese textile and garment firms. The results suggest that firm size, productivity, foreign ownership, and human capital are the important firm characteristics that determine Vietnamese textile and garment enterprise participation in production networks.


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How to Cite

Trang, T. T. T. (2023). Firm characteristic determinants of Vietnamese textile and garment enterprise participation in production networks. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 6(1), 49-59.