Understanding marketing strategy and value creation in the era of business competition
business competition era, understanding, value creation marketing strategyAbstract
This study discusses marketing understanding and strategy as well as value creation in business in an era full of competition. To discuss this study, we get support from various publications about marketing and new strategies and products so that a company can compete and make it one of the companies that can survive in an era where competition is—obtaining data through a google school search on literature which is scientific evidence of how business marketing currently has a strategy and creates new value for businesses to compete. After the data is collected, we analyze it under a phenomenological approach, an attempt to get data evidence to answer phenomenal problems on the validity and reliability of findings. Where the business is very competitive, of course, the strategy has one concept and can create value in marketing by following various trends that will occur in the following year; likewise, the marketing strategy has components and planning that follow the characteristics of the business being carried out with of course having a budget that sufficient so that the business can compete as expected.
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