Financial information system user satisfaction and its impact on organizational performance

Modified information system success model


  • Dwi Mardi Widodo Universitas Brawijaya, East Java, Indonesia
  • Sutrisno T Universitas Brawijaya, East Java, Indonesia
  • Zaki Baridwan Universitas Brawijaya, East Java, Indonesia


Financial information systems, modification of the success of Delone and McLean information systems, organizational performance, user satisfaction


The successful implementation of the use of a comprehensive financial information system in Ministries/Institutions in the form of developing an Institutional Level Financial Accounting System (SAKTI) is important in supporting the management of the state budget so that it can run effectively and efficiently. Human, technological, and organizational variables all play an important role in the development of information technology-based information systems. This study aims to measure and evaluate the factors that influence the success of the Financial Accounting System at the Agency Level with the Modification of the Delone and Mclean Models. This research is a quantitative analysis utilizing survey-based primary data. Respondents to this study were SAKTI users at the Secretariat General of the Ministry of PUPR. The sample used in this study was 100 respondents. Data collection techniques through questionnaires. The sampling technique uses a saturated sampling method (census). The analysis technique in this study used the SEM Structural Equation Model with the SmartPLS program. The results of hypothesis testing show system quality, information quality, service quality, and user training positively impact user satisfaction. In addition, user satisfaction also has a positive effect on organizational performance.


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How to Cite

Widodo, D. M., Sutrisno, T., & Baridwan, Z. (2023). Financial information system user satisfaction and its impact on organizational performance: Modified information system success model. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 6(2), 134-147.