University incubators in Ecuador as means of development

Case study at the Eloy Alfaro Lay University of Manabí, Ecuador


  • José Ignacio Sanata-Moreira Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro” de Manabí Extensión Chone, Manabí, Ecuador


business, development incubators, higher education, training programs, university


Higher education institutions in Ecuador face significant challenges in aligning their academic programs with the social and economic needs of the country. Graduates often lack the practical skills and strategic thinking needed to build businesses and foster innovation. This study focuses on evaluating the feasibility and potential impact of implementing university incubators at the Eloy Alfaro Lay University of Manabí (Uleam). A mixed methodology was used that combines qualitative and quantitative approaches. First, an exhaustive review of the literature on university incubators was conducted. Then, Uleam was selected as a case study, collecting information on institutional policies and available resources. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with teachers, students and administrators, in addition to applying surveys to a representative sample of students and graduates. Qualitative and quantitative data were analyzed using thematic coding techniques and descriptive and inferential statistical tools. The results indicate that 85.33% of respondents have not participated in an incubator, and 52% have limited knowledge about them. However, 94% showed interest in participating in university incubators. The main barriers identified include complex bureaucratic processes and a lack of knowledge about the creation and operation of incubators. 


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How to Cite

Sanata-Moreira, J. I. (2024). University incubators in Ecuador as means of development: Case study at the Eloy Alfaro Lay University of Manabí, Ecuador. International Journal of Business, Economics and Management, 7(3), 124-130.