Effect of competitive intelligence on competitive advantage in Innoson technical and industry limited, Enugu state, Nigeria



  • Obiefuna Ezenwa Department of Management University of Nigeria Enugu Campus
  • Adaobi Stella Department of Management University of Nigeria Enugu Campus
  • Agu Okoro Agu Department of Business Management Evangel University Akaeze Ebonyi State


Employee Loyalty, Human Intelligence, Competitive Advantage, Competitive Intelligence, Innovation and Brand Reputation


The instrument used for data collection was primarily questionnaire and interview. Out of 303 copies of the questionnaire that were distributed 283 copies were returned while 20 were not returned. The survey research design was adopted for the study. The hypotheses were tested using Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, chi-square, and simple linear regression statistical tools. The findings indicated that strategic intelligence significantly affects technological know-how in Nigeria manufacturing firm (r = 0.602; F = 3. 426E3; 1 = 4.426; p <0.05). Innovation significantly relationship affects brand reputation in the Nigeria manufacturing firms (X2 0 = 68.270 is greater than the Chi-square table value X2 1 = 9.49; p< 0.05). There is a significant relationship between human intelligence network and employee loyalty in the manufacturing firm (r = 705, P<05). The study concluded that competitive intelligence is a vital tool for strategic planning and competitive advantage. The study recommended that there should be an adequate investment in competitive intelligence process, facilities, and activities by manufacturing firm so as to be innovating in their product, services and competitive dispositions. In implementing competitive intelligence in an organization, employees should be equipped with the knowledge, skill and technical know-how of handling intelligence product.


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How to Cite

Ezenwa, O., Stella, A., & Agu, A. O. (2018). Effect of competitive intelligence on competitive advantage in Innoson technical and industry limited, Enugu state, Nigeria. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 1(1), 26-37. https://doi.org/10.31295/ijbem.v1n1.25