Training needs analysis for non-gazetted police personnel: an empirical study of commissionerate police in odisha


  • Susanta Kumar Pathy Centurion University of Technology &Management, Odisha, India


Training Needs Analysis, Performance Analysis Mode, O-T-P approach, basic and in-service training, HRD intervention


A Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is used to assess an organization's training needs. The root of the TNA is the gap analysis. This is an assessment of the gap between the KSA components that the people in the organization currently possess and the KSA that they require to meet the organization's objectives. The training needs assessment is best conducted up front before training solutions are budgeted, designed and delivered. Professional policing promotes the rule of law and can support economic growth and improve the lives of the poor by protecting them from crime. The police personnel has a vital role in a parliamentary democracy. The society perceives them as custodians of law and order and providing safety and security to all. This essentially involves continuous police-public interface. In India, the police are often perceived as corrupt, ineffective and brutal, stemming from a plethora of systemic, organizational and behavioral challenges. Officers themselves report feeling unsatisfied, overworked and neglected by the system. The recommendations of the National Police Commission (1977-81) have suggested several measures to improve the standard of policing; however, seldom have they been implemented by successive governments. In the present study, four objectives have been formulated.


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How to Cite

Pathy, S. K. (2019). Training needs analysis for non-gazetted police personnel: an empirical study of commissionerate police in odisha. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 2(1), 18-30.