Funding and management support for recovering of micro, small and medium enterprises during disruption of COVID-19



business prediction, financial development, pandemic COVID-19 disruption, small business management


This study analyzes financial and management support for the recovery of MSMEs after the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Small businesses' development is expected to drop about conditions of funding and management in line with the national pandemic response policy. To answer this problem, we have carried out various data collection techniques, including introductory reading, literature review of publications, and other documentation. Then analyze with a phenomenological approach through critical analysis, explain what we get through keyword searches to find literature, evaluate, identify themes, determine structures, and draw conclusions. The critical analysis process for the validity and reliability of the answer findings ensures that the findings have answered this study's questions. By paying attention to existing data and analysis results, it can be concluded that small business activities receive funding and management support from the government as a stimulus effort after being faced with various difficulties. These publications' findings prove the seriousness of governments in several countries and local governments to help small businesses survive during the pandemic and after the outbreak. Thus, this study's results will be meaningful input for all stakeholders in the world of MSMEs.


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How to Cite

Antoni, A. (2021). Funding and management support for recovering of micro, small and medium enterprises during disruption of COVID-19. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 4(1), 28-34.