The role of technology in improving financial inclusivity of banking institution: literature research with indonesian case


  • I Gst Ngr. Alit Asmara Jaya Faculty of Economics & Business, Udayana University, Indonesia
  • Ida Bagus Putu Purbadharmaja Faculty of Economics & Business, Udayana University, Indonesia


banking, financial inclusion, technology


This article was written to see how technology plays a role in improving the financial inclusiveness of banking institutions and the role of government and regulator as well. Technology that has grown rapidly in recent decades has been able to make rapid progress in the industry and change people's behavior. Technology is becoming an inevitability that encourages progress in the economy. Banking as one of the supporting sectors of the financial institution industry needs to do efforts continue to develop through innovation in fulfilling the needs of financial services, to improve performance with the application of technology. Using the approach of literature review and former empirical study, the author tries to perform qualitative description analysis of technological role in increasing financial inclusiveness of banking institution and role of the government and regulator as well. The results show that technology has an important role in boosting strategy to increase financial inclusiveness through improving financial performance. Regardless of the role of government and regulator to create conduciveness of such technological role.


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How to Cite

Jaya, I. G. N. A. A., & Purbadharmaja, I. B. P. (2021). The role of technology in improving financial inclusivity of banking institution: literature research with indonesian case. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 4(1), 35-46.