Inheritance strategy for endangered oral tradition in the archipelago

(case study in inheritance of kangkilo oral tradition)


  • Hamiruddin Udu Doctorate Program, Linguistics Studies Program, Udayana University
  • I Nyoman Weda Kusuma Professor in Linguistics Program Studies, Udayana University
  • Muhamad Alifuddin Doctor in Islamic Institute Stated, Southeast Sulawesi


Kangkilo, Endangered, Oral Tradition, Sultanate of Buton, Inheritances Strategy


One of the impacts of technology is the emergence of life crisis that neglects the human values. Other sides, oral traditions such as kangkilo that maintain social and religious piety tends to be abandoned and endangered. This study is done to outline the inheritance strategies of kangkilo oral tradition. The study used comparative method. The results showed one of the best inheritance strategies for oral tradition like kangkilo in the future is: (1) based on kangkilo oral tradition inheritance strategy undertaken in the Sultanate of Buton; (2) adopt a formal education learning system in which there are concepts of planning, implementation, and measured evaluation; (3) inheritance can use some medias as a result of advances in the development of science and technology; and (4) improve individualized epistemology inheritance that only to certain derivatives to be open, and used vertically or horizontally approaches inheritance.


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How to Cite

Udu, H., Kusuma, I. N. W., & Alifuddin, M. (2016). Inheritance strategy for endangered oral tradition in the archipelago: (case study in inheritance of kangkilo oral tradition). International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2(3), 69–76. Retrieved from



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