Revealing the religious meaning of bakayat sasak oral-text


  • I Made Suyasa Doctorate Program, Linguistics Studies Program, Udayana University Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia
  • I Nyoman Weda Kusuma Doctorate Program, Linguistics Studies Program, Udayana University Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia
  • I Nyoman Suarka Doctorate Program, Linguistics Studies Program, Udayana University Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia


Sasak, Bakayat, Oral-Text, Religious, Metembang


The aim of this study is to reveal the religious meaning of the spoken text 'bakayat' Sasak in the form of performances. Bakayat as a form of writing in the type of tale was delivered by metembang (singing) it along with its translation and interpretation in Sasak language. This spoken-text resembled pepaosan Sasak and mabebasan in Bali. It was used on Islamic celebration day and religious rituals of the Sasak people. The Bakayat Sasak as the religious text has religious meaning and it was interpreted in the various forms of meaning in its performance. The theory used to analyze the meaning of the spoken text 'bakayat' in this study is the theory of articulation. This theory stated that the connectivity between two or more elements of different cultural circles in the construction of the meaning of a cultural product always occurs in a certain condition. The relationship between various elements which are not fixed, essentials and absolute is a dialogical relationship. It occurs in specific coincidence condition. Therefore, the establishment of meaning is a dialogical relationship between the various sections of elements in the circle and it is always in the process. This study used 'bakayat' spoken texts as a primary source of data and interviews, observation, and documentation as its secondary data. The qualitative analytical method was used to analyze the data in this study, where the spoken texts were transcribed and translated. The data were analyzed based on the meaning of the performer of the bakayat spoken text. The results of this study indicate that the meaning of 'bakayat' Sasak not only contained religious meaning, but also social, historical, political, and aesthetic the meaning.


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How to Cite

Suyasa, I. M., Kusuma, I. N. W., & Suarka, I. N. (2016). Revealing the religious meaning of bakayat sasak oral-text. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2(4), 122–128. Retrieved from



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