The existence and the sustainability of the tantrism in Bali



Culture, Balinese, Tantrism, Existence, Sustainability


By their local genius, the local religion, the Balinese were able to localize the teaching of Tantrism. This was very possible since there is a match between the basic concepts of the Balinese local religion and the Tantric teachings. Reinforced by the local culture gum, the process of grafting the local religion onto the Tantrism is continuing until today. This can be observed within the religious activities of the Hindus in Bali. The unification symbols of the generative organs they use for the purpose of uniting the microcosm (the body) with the macrocosm (the universe or God) indicates that the merging of both religious traditions has been harmoniously conducted. Another purpose of this utilization of the generative symbols is to obtain fertility and prosperity, the result of the agricultural tradition.


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How to Cite

Utama, I. W. B. (2016). The existence and the sustainability of the tantrism in Bali. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2(4), 53–63. Retrieved from



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