Balian Wara position of Dayak Lawangan


  • Tardi Edung State Hindu Religion Institute, Tampung Penyang Palangka Raya.
  • I Bagus Yudha Triguna University of Hindu Indonesia
  • I Wayan Budi Utama University of Hindu Indonesia


Position, Function, Sustainability, Balian Wara, Dayak Lawangan


Globalization has brought challenges as well as the social change. The change was vague, flashy, fast, slow, limited and comprehensive. It has happened to social value shift, social action, social institution arrangement, organization, social stratification, power, and authority. All of them could be changed into a better or worse situation. The social changes have happened because of human creativity which created changing itself in daily life. Social change has also experienced by Hindus people in Dayak Kaharingan. The change has impacted their religious rituals, as well as their social organization. Nowadays Balian Wara, as a religious ritual leader, is difficult to be found since its small number. In another side, Wara ritual must be done. Therefore, the worry of the future Balian Wara existence has arisen. Cultural value shift phenomena have also been worried since the phenomena will create an identity crisis in the future. At this point, the position of Balian Wara needs to be re-confirmed. Also, the function and existence of Balian Wara in Dayak Lawangan must be studied. The confirmation of Balian Wara position was studied through ethnography descriptive approach using a qualitative method. It was conducted by investigating and by finding the solution to the phenomena faced by Hindus Kaharingan nowadays.


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How to Cite

Edung, T., Triguna, I. B. Y., & Utama, I. W. B. (2018). Balian Wara position of Dayak Lawangan. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 4(4), 103–111.



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