The multimodal forms of tourism promotional discourse in the age COVID-19


  • Ni Wayan Kasni Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
  • I Wayan Budiarta Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia


advertising, hotels, language use, multimodal analysis, visual signs


The study aimed at finding out the multimodal forms of tourism promotional discourse of promoting hotels in Bali in the age of COVID-19. The theory used in this study is the semiotic theory. In addition, descriptive qualitative is a method used to find forms of advertising, text construction, linguistic aspects, and visual elements of hotel advertisements in the Sanur and Kuta areas in the era of implementing the new normal with researchers as instruments or tools in this study. The data, then, were analyzed inductively. Based on the results of the study, the forms of hotel and tourism advertisements during the implementation of the New Normal were categorized into hotel and tourism audiovisual advertisements and printed hotel and tourism advertisements. Text construction in marketing hotels covers three aspects, namely representational aspects, relational aspects, and textual identity aspects. In addition, the type of semiotic system found in hotel and tourism advertisements during the implementation of the New Normal consists of linguistic aspects, visual forms, and body language. Transcreation of tourism advertisements after the implementation of the new normal consists of verbal, visual, and cultural aspects of advertising.


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How to Cite

Kasni, N. W., & Budiarta, I. W. (2021). The multimodal forms of tourism promotional discourse in the age COVID-19. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 7(6), 422–440.



Research Articles