Morphological processes found in lexicon of Tajen


  • I Wayan Budiarta Universitas Warmadewa Denpasar, Indonesia
  • Ni Wayan Kasni Universitas Warmadewa Denpasar, Indonesia
  • Anak Agung Istri Manik Warmadewi Universitas Warmadewa Denpasar, Indonesia


Lexicon, Morphological process, Tajen, Word category


This research is entitled "Tajen Language in Balinese Society". This study focuses on the linguistic aspects contained in Tajen activities. This study aims to reveal the lexicon and its categorization, as well as to identify the morphological process happens to those words found. The research data was collected using field linguistic methods supported by note-taking techniques and interview methods. The data that has been grouped is then verified again to Bebotoh as informants through interview techniques related to the meaning of forms or varieties of Balinese speech in the implementation of the Tajen. The data were analyzed using the distributional method with the Immediate Constituent Analysis technique. The results of the analysis found 146 lexicons related to Tajen. The lexicons then are classified based on grammatical forms which are divided into two, namely basic forms and derived forms. There are 72 basic forms and 74 derivative forms. The derived forms are the result of morphological processes, namely the process of compounding, affixation, clipping, and reduplication


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How to Cite

Budiarta, I. W., Kasni, N. W., & Warmadewi, A. A. I. M. (2022). Morphological processes found in lexicon of Tajen. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 8(6), 289–302.



Research Articles