Electronic guide-translator program for independent tourists




guide-translator, independent tourists, multimedia, service, software, tourist facilities


The article discusses the creation of a multimedia electronic guide-translator program, which includes an electronic catalog and an audio description of a tourist object, as well as electronic functions for a convenient stay of a tourist in Uzbekistan. The paper presents the priorities of the multimedia electronic guide-translator program in the development of domestic tourism and the creation of an innovative approach in the tourism environment that facilitate the travel process by improving the quality of the development of the tourism sector in the Republic of Uzbekistan and providing services to visiting tourists.


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How to Cite

Tursunovna, A. K. (2021). Electronic guide-translator program for independent tourists. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 7(6), 499–505. https://doi.org/10.21744/ijllc.v7n6.1976



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