Meaning and values of agriculture ritual speech on Dawan ethnic in Mollo district of south central Timor


  • Simon Sabon Ola Nusa Cendana University in Kupang, Indonesia


Culture, Language, Agriculture, Ritual Speech, Meaning and Value


This paper contains the results of research on the exposure of the meaning and value of agriculture ritual speech on Dawan ethnic in Mollo. This study is based on the Cultural Linguistic Theory that sees language is a cultural expression that describes the user’s perception or view of the world. Based on the theory, the results obtained, as follows: (1) the language in ritual speech include: a magical function, a conative function, and an emotive function; (2) agriculture ritual speech on Dawan ethnic in Mollo has meaning and value like surrender, togetherness, inheritance, and environmental care.


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How to Cite

Ola, S. S. (2017). Meaning and values of agriculture ritual speech on Dawan ethnic in Mollo district of south central Timor. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 3(2), 14–23. Retrieved from



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