Supernatural signification system amuf on death ritual speech nen fen nahat neu nitu in boti society


  • - Iswanto College of State Christianity Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
  • I Ketut Riana Udayana University, Indonesia
  • I Wayan Simpen Udayana University, Indonesia
  • Simon Sabon Ola Udayana University, Indonesia


Amuf, Boti Society, Signification System


Signification system in this article is based on de Saussure's idea of syntagmatic and associative relationships (paradigmatic). The theory is then modified by applying cognitive map referring to the principle of signification system. The data used were obtained from the ritual speech Onen Fen Nahat Nitu 'prayer for offering souls' which is grouped into the ritual of death. Data interpretation uses cognitive map instrument to describe the visual image of Boti people's point of view. In this way, the result of the supernatural signifying system 'amuf' is realized by the lingual pronoun of singular second person ho 'you', that is the allomorph of ko 'you' (if it presents as an object/personal pronoun stating ownership/genitive/possessive). The paradigmatic network analysis describes supernatural features of amuf 'ancestral spirits' in 10 paradigmatic relations derived from amuf/ho, namely: (1) ho meitik fani mnahat bi ho lanan 'you bring provisions for your journey'; (2) ho he mfani neu hit ama uis neno 'you go back to father uis neno' (3) ho he mfani neu hit kua mnasi es nane 'you go back to the old village'; (4) ho simo nae ho pa 'ma ho nama' you take your rights and portion '; (5) ho he mnao nei bi tabu i 'you go now'; (6) leka ho mtia hit uam mnasi if you get to our old village '; (7) ho mueku mok ale 'hit amuf sin' you meet our ancestors' (8) ho mnaiti mutonan sin, onen neu kai bi pah manifu i 'you meet them, pray for us'; (9) ho mnao 'you go'; (10) ho naikais amnikan kai ok-oke 'you do not forget us all'.


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How to Cite

Iswanto, .-., Riana, I. K., Simpen, I. W., & Ola, S. S. (2018). Supernatural signification system amuf on death ritual speech nen fen nahat neu nitu in boti society. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 4(2), 46–57. Retrieved from



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