The role of technology in innovating English teaching to improve learning outcomes in the digital world



digital application, English teaching, improving, learning outcomes, technology


This study examines the job of innovation in further developing English learning results by utilizing an all-computerized application. We have gotten information from different writing and distribution sources, including books, scholarly works, and sites. Next, we try to study with a phenomenological approach, a mechanism to understand large amounts of data to obtain data that can answer research problems. The analysis includes data coding, data interpretation, and drawing conclusions based on the principles of validity and reliability of data findings. Based on the presentation and discussion of the data, we can conclude that applying technology with various software helps teachers and students improve English learning outcomes. Now technology makes it easier to learn in class online or face to face. This is supported by the fact that technology can innovate English language learning compared to teaching before the advent of educational technology. These results are expected to be beneficial for related parties, including teachers, curriculum designers, policymaking, and further research.


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How to Cite

Juliana, J. (2022). The role of technology in innovating English teaching to improve learning outcomes in the digital world. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 8(4), 111–122.



Research Articles