Anthropolinguistics analysis on vocabulary of agricultural tools and activities in the Kuala dialect of Banjarese


  • Muhammad Rafiek Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
  • Jumadi Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
  • Faradina Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
  • Raudhatun Nisa MTsN 1 Banjarmasin, Indonesisa


Activity, Agriculture, Kuala Dialect of Banjarese, Tools, Vocabulary


This research is a preliminary study on vocabulary of agricultural tools and activities in the Kuala dialect of Banjarese using an anthropolinguistics approach. This study aims to describe and explain anthropolinguistics analysis of the vocabulary of agricultural tools and activities in the Kuala dialect of Banjarese. The anthropolinguistics research method from Danesi (2004) is utilized in this research. The data analysis technique uses semantic analysis techniques in anthropolinguistics. There are some findings in this study, they are: (1)Vocabulary of agricultural tools and the activities of sabalum batanam (prabatanam) in the Kuala dialect of Banjarese, (2) Vocabulary of agricultural tools and activities of wayah batanam (planting time) in the Kuala dialect of Banjarese, (3)Vocabulary of tools and farming activities of wayah mangatam (harvesting time) in the Kuala dialect of Banjarese, (4) Vocabulary of tools and activities of  mangatam (post-harvest) in the Kuala dialect of Banjarese, and (5) Activity vocabulary related to the tradition of limbah tuntung maulah banih becomes baras (after processing paddy grains becoming rice) and mahadang musim batanam (waiting for planting) in the Kuala dialect of Banjarese. The pedagogical research implications are very useful for the development of teaching materials for agricultural vocabulary with local content in Banjarese.


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How to Cite

Rafiek, M., Jumadi, J., Faradina, F., & Nisa, R. (2023). Anthropolinguistics analysis on vocabulary of agricultural tools and activities in the Kuala dialect of Banjarese. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 9(1), 28–60.



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