Reduplication in Banjarese


  • Muhammad Rafiek Masters Program in Indonesian Language Education, Postgraduate Program, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin 70123, Indonesia
  • H. Rustam Effendi Masters Program in Indonesian Language Education, Postgraduate Program, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin 70123, Indonesia
  • Raudhatun Nisa MTsN 1 Banjarmasin, Indonesia


Banjarese, morphology, reduplication, south Kalimantan, universal language


Reduplication is a feature of the universal language but varies with dialect. This study aimed to examine the form of reduplication in the Banjarese using the reduplication theory of Lieber (2009), Haspelmath & Sims (2010), Rubino (2005), Mistica, Andrews, Arka, & Baldwin (2009), Kauffman (2015), and Kroeger (1989). It used the descriptive qualitative method and collected data through listening, typing, and documentation. Listening and typing techniques involved hearing and typing six informants’ utterances containing rephrases in the Banjarese. The informants comprised three speakers from the Kuala dialect and three from the Hulu dialect. The results indicated four types of reduplication in the Banjarese. These findings strengthen the theory of reduplication in the morphology of the Banjarese. Additionally, the results have practical implications for teaching Banjarese language reduplication.


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How to Cite

Rafiek, M., Effendi, H. R., & Nisa, R. (2022). Reduplication in Banjarese. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 8(6), 242–253.



Research Articles