Relation of Sasak and Samawa Language: Diachronic study in the language kinship of an ethnic group in Indonesia



Language Kinship, Diachronic Relations, Sasak and Samawa Languages


The language variation of a tribe in Indonesia has directly reflected language diversity and accent in its speech community. However, inter-tribal language diversity does not mean that it does not have a language closeness relationship. Thus, in this study, the problems examined is the identification of the relation of the language of Sasak ethnic group and Samawa ethnic group. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to describe the language kinship (similarity) of Sasak language and Samawa language. In addition, language kinship can create a sense of language solidarity in order to strengthen the unity among the various ethnic groups in Indonesia. The collected data was obtained by employing method consisting of an interview with its basic technique and derivatives, observation (based on Swades vocabulary), and documentation. Sources of data were obtained from speakers of Sasak language and Samawa language who were communicating. The collected data were analyzed by combination method namely descriptive qualitative and quantitative. This combination was employed to describe the research in systematic, categorized, patterned, and dialectometry. Data are presented formally and informally. In the end, this study discovers the relation or relativity of variations of the two ethnic languages that will strengthen the value of togetherness and tribal unity in Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Setiawan, I. (2017). Relation of Sasak and Samawa Language: Diachronic study in the language kinship of an ethnic group in Indonesia. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 3(5), 83–90. Retrieved from



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