The impact of TV content on audience’ perception of materialism


  • Saba Muneer Department of Management Sciences, Virtual University of Pakistan
  • Samara Munir Virtual University of Pakistan


audience perception, materialism, materialistic perception, TV advertisements, TV shows


The researcher’s intent in the study is to explore television as a cause of materialism. The objective of this study pertains to explore the Impact of TV content (dramas, movies, talk shows, morning shows, awards shows, political shows, comedy shows, TV ads) on the audience’s perception of materialism. The study has been conducted on the citizens of Lahore. The results show a positive relationship between television watching and perceived materialism. Heavy exposure to TV watching increases materialism and has been found to have a significant effect on viewers’ materialistic perception. The purpose of the study is to make significant contributions to the field of research.


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How to Cite

Muneer, S., & Munir, S. (2020). The impact of TV content on audience’ perception of materialism. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 6(4), 62–75.