Representation of Iraqi prisoners' abuse in Judith Thompson's palace of the end: a politico-cultural perspective



a politico-cultural perspective, Iraqi prisoners, representation, systematic abuse


The paper is a study in the representation of the systematic abuse inflicted by the American Female Soldier (being an image of American militarism) upon the Iraqi prisoners in the Abu Ghraib jail. The American misconducts exercised are based on political and cultural grounds: it is dramatically evident that the American Female Soldier has prejudicially transformed the stage into a battleground, whereon, post colonially, the Iraqi prisoners are viciously addressed by demeaning terms.


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How to Cite

Hameed, S. M. (2020). Representation of Iraqi prisoners’ abuse in Judith Thompson’s palace of the end: a politico-cultural perspective. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 6(4), 95–102.