Strategies of conveying metaphors in political discourse: analysis of the Turkish translations of George Orwell's “Animal Farm”


  • Iryna Sekret Startin Forum International, Turkey, IATELS International Association for Technology, Education and Language Studies


“Animal Farm” by George Orwell, comparative analysis, English-Turkish translation, metaphor, political discourse, text deformation, translation shifts, translation


Translating metaphor and metaphoric expressions is one of the disputable problems in translation studies due to the conceptual discrepancies which exist between the source culture and the target readership, moreover, if the metaphor plays a crucial role in creating an appeal to the reader as in the political text. In this respect, it is under the discussion of how to deal with a metaphor when translating political discourse, and what are the dominating strategies and traditions of translating metaphoric units in Turkish translations. Caused by the theoretical and practical urgency of the problem, this paper is aimed to analyze strategies of conveying metaphors from English to Turkish based on the novel “Animal Farm” by George Orwell and its Turkish translations by Sedat Demir and Celal Üster. To achieve the aims of the research the efforts were undertaken to compare the original text with its two different translations. For the precise analysis, Old Major’s speech was thoroughly scrutinized on the point of the metaphoric expressions in the text and their correspondences in the Turkish translations.


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How to Cite

Sekret, I. (2020). Strategies of conveying metaphors in political discourse: analysis of the Turkish translations of George Orwell’s “Animal Farm”. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 6(4), 103–114.