Survival of white blood cells of mice (mus muscullus l) against adaptation dose of gamma co-60 radiation


  • Gusti Ngurah Sutapa Physics Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • Ni Luh Putu Trisnawati Physics Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • I Gde Antha Kasmawan Physics Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia


adaptation response, gamma, mus muscullus l , radiotherapy method, survival cell


Several studies on the effects of low dose radiation have shown a shift in the three main paradigms of radiation biology. One of them is a phenomenon known as adaptation response. The phenomenon of adaptation response is a response that occurs when changes in gene expression can be induced by exposure to low doses of radiation around <0.5Gy. Changes in gene expression in certain circumstances serve to protect cells against the effects of subsequent radiation exposure with higher doses (dose challenges). The purpose of this study was to obtain a radiotherapy method that could show a reduction in patient dosage. In this study, the sample of mice (mus muscullus l) was divided into 6 groups, namely 1 control group and 5 treatment groups. Five treatment groups were given an adaptation dose of 0.05Gy for treatment I; 0.10Gy treatment II, 0.15Gy treatment III, 0.2 Gy treatment IV, and treatment V; 0.25Gy. Furthermore, all treatments were immediately given a challenge dose 3Gy. The results of the analysis showed that the lowest leukocyte cell survival occurred on day 30 and returned to normal conditions on day 60 after gamma Co-60 radiation.


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How to Cite

Sutapa, G. N. ., Trisnawati, N. L. P. ., & Kasmawan, I. G. A. . (2020). Survival of white blood cells of mice (mus muscullus l) against adaptation dose of gamma co-60 radiation. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 6(6), 31–36.



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