Resistance test of several varieties and critical phase for cucumis sativus towards cucumber mosaic virus infectio


  • Ni Putu Pandawani Mahasaraswati University, Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia
  • Farida Hanum Mahasaraswati University, Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia
  • Ni Nyoman Suryani Mahasaraswati University, Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia


Cucumber, Critical Phase, Resistant Varieties, Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV)


The present study was intended to obtain resistant cucumber varieties and to know the critical phase of cucumber plant towards Cucumber Mosaic Virus infection (CMV) therefore, it could be used as a basis for controlling the mosaic disease spread of CMV-induced at cucumber plants. The research was conducted in Baturiti Village Tabanan Bali within an insect-proof greenhouse. Elisa test was performed using CMV, WMV and PRsV antiserum. The resistance test of several cucumber varieties included Roberto, Harmony, Citra baby and Manggala was conducted by mechanical transmission from CMV inoculum source sap. Testing of cucumber plant critical phase of CMV infection was done by mechanically inoculating sap from CMV infected plant, for healthy cucumber plant as testing plant i.e. inoculation at 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks after planting and control (plant without CMV inoculation). An observation was done for incubation period variables, disease incidence, disease severity and crop yield. The results and conclusions of the four cucumber varieties tested were not found to be CMV resistant varieties, however, the moderately sensitive Harmony varieties deserve attention for choosing in the cultivation. The cucumber plant that was CMV infected from the age at planting until 4 weeks after planting shows 100% disease incidence and plants could not produce fruits. The critical phase of cucumber plant towards CMV infection occurred from the time at planting until 4 weeks after planting.


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How to Cite

Pandawani, N. P., Hanum, F., & Suryani, N. N. (2017). Resistance test of several varieties and critical phase for cucumis sativus towards cucumber mosaic virus infectio. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 3(6), 68–76. Retrieved from



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