The effect of aerobic and anaerobic physical training on the absorptive cells, absorption of carbohydrate and protein in small intestine


  • I Nyoman Kanca Ganesha Education University Singaraja-Bali-Indonesia
  • I Ketut Iwan Swadesi Ganesha Education University Singaraja-Bali-Indonesia
  • I Ketut Yoda Ganesha Education University Singaraja-Bali-Indonesia
  • I Made Agus Wijaya Ganesha Education University Singaraja-Bali-Indonesia


Cells, Absorptive, Small Intestine, Physical Training


The purpose of this study is to investigate the morphofunctional response of a total number of absorptive cells, and carbohydrate and protein absorption capability in the small intestine of Rattus norvegicus strain Wistar (RNSW) that has been subjected to aerobic and anaerobic physical training based on the morphofunctional physiological paradigm. This study was based on the separate sample pretest-posttest control group design, using a t-test, and multivariate SPSS ten program, with five percent level of significance. The sample consisted of one hundred and twenty, male RNSW, with average age of five months, and body weight of 246-278 grams. They were divided into twelve groups at random, i.e. four pretest groups, two control groups, and six treated groups where different diets were given thirty minutes before undergoing posttest. The experimental animals underwent four weeks physical training (twelve times), three groups were given aerobic physical training by swimming with a burden of three percent fasting body weight, the others three groups received anaerobic physical training by swimming with a burden of nine percent fasting body weight. The experiment was conducted at night, between 7.30 PM to 10.30 PM, in a water with a temperature of    28°C to 30°C. Result of the study revealed: (1) Aerobic and anaerobic physical training, increased the number of absorptive cells (t = -73,281, p = 0,000), and increased the absorptive capacity of carbohydrate and protein (Hotelling’s Trace = 0,244, p = 0,000). (2) There was a difference in the increased absorptive capacity of carbohydrate and protein among groups (Hotelling’s Trace = 0,404a, p = 0,000). Aerobic physical training had less influence than anaerobic physical training on the increased number of absorptive cells, and the absorptive capacity of carbohydrate and protein in the small intestine. In conclusion: (1) Aerobic physical training of swimming with a burden of three percent fasting body weight, and anaerobic physical training of swimming with a burden nine percent fasting body weight correlate with the increase the number of absorptive cells, and carbohydrate and protein absorptive capacity of the small intestine. (2) Anaerobic physical training of swimming with a burden nine percent fasting body weight has better correlation than aerobic physical training of swimming with a burden of three percent fasting body weight with the increased number of absorptive cells, and the absorptive capacity of carbohydrate and protein in the small intestine.


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How to Cite

Kanca, I. N., Swadesi, I. K. I., Yoda, I. K., & Wijaya, I. M. A. (2017). The effect of aerobic and anaerobic physical training on the absorptive cells, absorption of carbohydrate and protein in small intestine. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 3(6), 77–88. Retrieved from



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